from This food blog started in 2011, sharing my passion - cooking and baking (Did not open cooking school). From blogger And now a Youtube Creator. Share good food, enjoy video editing and love playing with ingredients in my playground-kitchen. Not just enjoy tasty but also healthy food, hence sharing easy and healthier way to cook and bake (low sugar, low oil). P.S: Previous Channel name - 玩食我Foodie At Playground
Saturday, August 29, 2020
【RECIPE + Daiso】Carrot & Dates Agar Agar Mini Mooncake | Daiso Ice Tray | ❤️ 红萝卜椰枣菜燕月饼|天然色素
【RECIPE + Daiso】Carrot & Dates Agar Agar Mini Mooncake | Daiso Ice Tray | ❤️ 红萝卜椰枣菜燕月饼|天然色素by 玩食我Foodie At Playground
(5 pieces 5份)
- natural flavour & colouring
- refreshing & healthy
Egg yolk蛋黄部分:
(Ingredients 材料)
1/2 lemon 柠檬
1/2 carrot 红萝卜
Add carrot slices & lemon juice + 50ml water to blend 柠檬和红萝卜打成汁(Strain 过筛)
Add water to 250ml 加水至250毫升
50g sugar 砂糖
1/2 tsp agar agar powder 菜燕粉
Mix well 搅拌均匀
1. Add liquid + sugar mixture to pot 加液体和固体到锅中
2. Bring to boil 开火加热
3. Pour to ice tray 倒入冰盘
4. Chill to set 冷藏定型
Mooncake 月饼部分:
(Ingredients 材料)
5 Kurma dates 椰枣
1 scoop plain yogurt 原味优格
50ml evaporated milk 花奶
To blend 打成汁(Strain 过筛)
Add water to 250ml 加水至250毫升
50g sugar 砂糖
1/2 tsp agar agar powder 菜燕粉
1. Add liquid + sugar mixture to pot 加液体和固体到锅中
2. Bring to boil 开火加热
3. Fill 1/2 portion 液体先加一半
4. Put egg yolk at center 蛋黄放中央
5. Chill to set 冷藏定型
从这期开始,会分享我用什么工具来制作成品(大多都来自Daiso)。这期,我用了Daiso 买的冰盘来做月饼。怎么使用?看影片就知道! 喜欢这样的分享吗?喜欢的话,记得给我留言,我才知道你们的反应。 From this video onwards, I will share the tools I used during the making. This video, I used Daiso Ice Tray to make mooncake. Watch video to find out. For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: (Video with English Subtitle) 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得订阅: To see more Easy and Healthier Recipes, please SUBSCRIBE, go to :
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
【Easy Egg RECIPE】Simple Fried Bitter Gourd with Egg | Simple Seasoning |...
【Easy Egg RECIPE】Simple Fried Bitter Gourd with Egg | Simple Seasoning | ❤️ 苦瓜炒蛋|简单调味 | 入口即化@玩食我Foodie At Playground
Who like this dish: Fried bitter gourd with egg? It’s my comfort food, but not everyone’s favorite right? It may seem overcooked as I like it soft. Simple seasoning , yet so 入味。
- Simple Seasoning 简单调味
- Simple ingredients 简单食材
- Quick & Nutritious 快速又营养
(For 2-3 person 2-3人份)
1 bitter gourd(Cut into thin slices ) 1 苦瓜(切成薄片)
2 eggs 两粒蛋
1 tbsp mince garlic 蒜末
1 tsp pepper salt 胡椒盐
1 tsp oyster sauce 蚝油
1. Heat wok with oil 热锅加油
2. Add eggs 打两粒蛋
3. Add mince garlic 加蒜末
4. Add bitter gourd 加苦瓜
5. Add 1/2 bowl water 加1/2碗水
6. Cover lid & steam cook for 3 minutes 盖锅蒸煮3分钟
7. Add pepper salt 加胡椒盐
( Want it softer can add water & steam cook some more 要软一点所以加水再蒸煮多一下
For another 3 minutes 蒸煮多3分钟)
8. Add oyster sauce 加蚝油
9. Mix well & it’s done 拌匀即可
Tips: To reduce bitterness 减少苦味
Sprinkle some salt on white part & rest for 5 min,rinse then cut
- anti-inflammatory 消炎
- Low GI food 低糖食物
- good protein & fibre source 蛋白质和高纤来源
For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: (Video with English Subtitle) 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得订阅: To see more Easy and Healthier Recipes, please SUBSCRIBE, go to :
Saturday, August 22, 2020
【Easy Drink RECIPE】Starfruit Sour Plum Juice | No Sugar |5 min Hawker Dr...
【Easy Drink RECIPE】Starfruit Sour Plum Juice | No Sugar |Singapore Hawker Drink | ❤️ 杨桃酸梅汁 |新加坡果汁 by 玩食我Foodie At Playground
1 -2 Starfruit 杨桃(Cut into slices, cut away edges and sides 切片,切掉前后和菱角)
Put into blender 放入搅拌器
Add 30ml water 加30毫升水
Add some ice cubes 加冰块
Put a sour plum in a cup 杯中加一颗酸梅
Add starfruit juice 加果汁
- relief sore throat 改善喉咙痛
- quench thirst 止渴
- Note: not for kidney disease patient 不适合肾脏病患者
Friday, August 21, 2020
【Easy Breakfast RECIPE】Economic Bee Hoon Mee | Singapore Hawker Food | ❤...
【Easy Breakfast RECIPE】Economic Bee Hoon Mee | Singapore Hawker Food | ❤️ 经济炒米粉面 |新加坡早餐 by 玩食我Foodie At Playground
This is my all time favorite, I can have it for breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Is that yours too? 我可以当它是早餐、午餐甚至晚餐。虽然简单,但却是我喜欢,从小吃到大的味道。 (For 2 person 2人份)
Economic Bee Hoon
(Optional) 1 egg 鸡蛋
100g bean sprouts 豆芽
1/2 pack bee hoon 米粉
1 tbsp fish sauce 鱼露
1 tbsp soy sauce 酱青
1 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce 蚝油
1 tbsp dark soy sauce 黑酱油
Some Sugar & pepper 少许糖和胡椒粉
1 tsp garlic paste 蒜泥
1/2 bowl water 清水
Mix well & serve 搅拌均匀,可享用
Economic Fried Mee
1 pack Hokkien Mee 福建面
1/2 pack bean sprouts 豆芽
1. Fried some garlic slices 炒蒜片
2. Add bean sprouts 加豆芽
3. Add noodle 加面
4. Add Seasoning:
1 1/2 tbsp cooking caramel 生晒油
1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce 黑酱油
1/2 tsp mushroom seasoning 素菇粉
1 tsp soy sauce 酱青
5. Mix well and serve. 搅拌均匀,可享用。
For full method, see video:
For written recipe:
文字食谱: (Video with English Subtitle)
想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得订阅:
To see more Easy and Healthier Recipes, please SUBSCRIBE, go to :
Saturday, August 15, 2020
【Easy Drink RECIPE】Less Sweet Winter Melon Tea| 3 ingredients | No Cook ...
【Easy Drink RECIPE】Less Sweet Winter Melon Tea| 3 ingredients | No Cook | ❤️ 低糖冬瓜茶 | 3种材料 |无开火|焖烧罐料理 by 玩食我Foodie At Playground
(For 1-2 person 1-2人份)
Ingredients材料: 300g winter melon 45g rock sugar 15g brown sugar
1. 300g winter melon(cut into cubes or pieces) 冬瓜(切块)
2. Add brown sugar 加红糖
3. Mix well & rest for 30 minutes - 1 hour 搅拌均匀,静置30分钟至1小时
4. Add winter melon to preheated thermal flask 冬瓜放入预热好的焖烧罐
5. Add 45g rock sugar 加冰糖
6. Add 600-700ml hot water 加600-700毫升热水
7. After 3 hours, ready to serve 可享用
Benefits 益处:
- reduce heatiness 清热
- detox 解毒
- quench thirst 止渴
- reduce water retention 利尿
For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: (Video with English Subtitle) 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得订阅: To see more Easy and Healthier Recipes, please SUBSCRIBE, go to :
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
【Easy Hawker Food RECIPE】Low oil Less gluey Orh Luak (Oyster Omelette) |...
【Easy Hawker Food RECIPE】Low oil Less gluey Orh Luah (Oyster Omelette) |
If you like more egg than starch, you will like this!
- more egg than starch 蛋多过粉浆
- less oil 少油
- have crispy parts 带香脆
1 tbsp + 1 tsp (20g) tapioca flour 木薯粉
1 tsp (5g) Rice flour 粘米粉
80g room temperature water 室温水
1/4 tsp soy sauce 酱青
2 eggs 鸡蛋
8 oysters 生蚝 + 1/8 tsp cooking wine 料理酒
1/4 tsp fish sauce 鱼露
1. Heat pan with shallot oil 锅中加葱油
2. Pour flour mixture to pan 热锅后加粉浆
3. Add egg 加鸡蛋
4. (Optional) Add Coriander (随意)加香菜段
5. Fry till golden brown 煎到金黄色
6. Add fish sauce 鱼露
7. Add oyster 加生蚝
8. Drizzle some pepper 加少许胡椒粉
9. Garnish with coriander & spring onion 加香菜和葱花点缀
Saturday, August 8, 2020
【Easy Scone RECIPE】No Sugar No Milk Banana Scones| Soft inside Crisp Out...
【Easy Scone RECIPE】No Sugar No Milk Banana Scones| Soft inside Crisp Outside| ❤️ 无糖无牛奶健康香蕉英式松饼|香甜的秘诀 by 玩食我Foodie At Playground
Even though sugar is not used, still have natural sweetness. Even though milk is not used, still Soft & moist inside. Reheat & eat the next day, still crispy outside, soft inside 虽没用到糖,却很香甜。虽无牛奶,内部还是松软。 第二天再弄热,同样外脆内软。 - No sugar 无糖 - No milk 无牛奶 - Natural sweetness from banana 甜味取自香蕉 - healthier option 较健康的选择
(Recipe adopted from here) (Yield 10 scones 可制成10份)
Main ingredients 主要材料:
- 1 Banana 香蕉
- 1 Egg 鸡蛋
-130g Self Raising Flour 自发粉
-130g All Purpose Flour 普通面粉
- 1 tsp baking powder 泡打粉
-1/2 tsp cinnamon powder 肉桂粉
- 50g butter 牛油
(optional) 2 tbsp Choc chips (可省略)巧克力粒
Method 做法:
Add egg to mashed banana, set aside 加鸡蛋入捣碎的香蕉, 备用
Sieve through SRF & APF 自发粉和面粉(过筛)
Add 1 tsp baking powder & cinnamon powder 加泡打粉和肉桂粉
Add 50g butter 加牛油
Mix till form like bread crumbs 混合均匀至呈面包屑状
Add banana mixture 加香蕉液体
Mix to form dough 混合至呈面团
Use muffin cutter to form shape 用模具制成饼状
Egg wash - egg yolk + milk 刷上蛋黄+牛奶上色
Tips:What can we do with the remaining dough?
Tips: Store in freezer for future consumption 可直接放冷冻保存,要吃才烤!
For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: (Video with English Subtitle) 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得订阅: To see more Easy and Healthier Recipes, please SUBSCRIBE, go to : * This is not a sponsored video. 这支影片不是业配 我的日常生活 Follow me on : Facebook: Instagram: Want to see more recipes? Check out:
Thursday, August 6, 2020
【Easy Salad RECIPE】Begedil Potato Salad|Best way to extend potato shelf ...
- 3 tbsp Mayonnaise 美乃滋
- 1/4 Tsp Coriander paste 香草酱
- 1/2 tsp Curry Powder 咖喱粉
- 1/4 tsp shallot oil 葱油