Wednesday, September 30, 2020

【Easy Bread RECIPE】Soft Wholemeal Burger Bun | Eggless Bread |Healthier...

【Easy Bread RECIPE】Soft Wholemeal Burger Bun |  Eggless Bread |Healthier |❤️ 松软无蛋全麦汉堡包|健康面包 by 玩食我Foodie At Playground

Have been eating mooncakes and need to consume some fibre to balance sugar in the body. Here baking Eggless Soft Wholemeal Burger Bun for tomorrow breakfast.

Soft Wholemeal Burger Bun 松软全麦汉堡包 by 玩食我Foodie At Playground
150g Bread Flour 面包粉
150g Wholemeal Flour 全麦面粉
4g Pink Salt 玫瑰盐
25g sugar 砂糖
15g grapeseed oil 葡萄籽油

200ml Skimmed warm milk 低脂温牛奶
3g yeast 酵母
mix & rest for 10 minutes 静置10分钟

1. mix dry & wet (A) ingredients, machine or hand knead
2. knead till incorporated 揉面至全混合
3. Place in pre-grease bowl 放进抹了油的大碗里
4. Ferment for 1 hour or till double the size 发酵1小时或发至一倍大
5. Roll & divide into 8 equal size 擀平并分成8等份
6. Fold inwards & roll into balls 内折并揉成圆球形
7. Proof for 30 minutes 醒面30分钟
8. Egg wash: 1 egg + 1 tbsp milk 蛋液:1粒蛋+1汤匙牛奶
9. (optional) top with sesame seeds (可加)芝麻
10. Bake in preheated oven 180 degrees 20-25 minutes 放入预热烤箱180度烤20-25分钟
(Video with English Subtitle) For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片:h For written recipe: 文字食谱: 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得在此订阅并按铃铛就不会错过最新影片: To see latest video, please SUBSCRIBE below, and press Notification :

Friday, September 25, 2020

【Easy Cake RECIPE】Rice Cooker Purple Velvet Fruit Cake | 5 minutes | Les...

【Easy Cake RECIPE】Rice Cooker Purple Velvet Fruit Cake | 5 minutes Recipe | Less oil & moist |❤️ 饭锅紫丝绒杂果蛋糕|少油却湿润 by 玩食我Foodie At Playground

Rice Cooker Purple Velvet Fruit Cake
(For 8-10 person 8-10人份)

Ingredients 所需材料:
500g Purple Velvet Cake Mix 紫色蛋糕混合配料
4 Egg 鸡蛋
50-100g mixed Fruits 杂果干
100g water 清水
110g oil 食油 ((cut from printed 175g/原本需要175g)

1. 加1汤匙蛋糕粉(预防杂果全沉到底)
Add 1 tbsp cake flour (prevent mix fruit sink to bottom)
2. 过筛裹粉的杂果干
Add sifted mixed fruits
2. 打蛋后加蛋糕混合配料 (可不过筛)
Add cake mix (no need to sift) to eggs
3. Add water 清水
4. Add oil 食油 
5. Add sifted mixed fruits 加杂果干
6. Inner pot coated with oil 内锅涂一层油(预防沾锅)
7. Set to baking mode, bake for 55 minutes 按到Baking模式,烘55分钟
8. Test with stick to see if bake through 竹签测试蛋糕是否熟透
9. After cool down ready to serve 待凉后即可享用

Note: 我只用了50g 杂果,担心多了蛋糕会过甜
I only use 50g mixed fruits in case too much cake will be overly sweet
Oil has reduced but cake still moist
Did not shrink & split
Purple Velvet Cake Mix 紫色蛋糕混合配料 (bought from Bake with Yen) 

(Video with English Subtitle) - Pls turn on caption For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得在此订阅并按铃铛就不会错过最新影片: To see latest video, please SUBSCRIBE below, and press Notification :

【Vlog】9.9 Online food Haul | Use new Daiso Items | Mini Lobster Soup | ...

【Weekend Vlog】9.9 Online food Haul | Use new Daiso Items | Mini Lobster Soup | ❤️开箱9.9畅销品 |试用大创新品|小龙虾汤 @玩食我Foodie At Playground ​ 影片提到的产品,可在以下购得: 杯子、除贴纸液、发泡机:Daiso 爆米花Popcorn : 黄梨塔Pineapple Tart: 小龙虾Mini Lobster: (Video with English Subtitle) - Pls turn on caption For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得在此订阅并按铃铛就不会错过最新影片: To see latest video, please SUBSCRIBE below, and press Notification :

Disclaimer: Some links found here maybe affiliate links.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

【Easy Fried Rice RECIPE】Salted Egg Fried Rice | Quick & Simple |❤️ 咸蛋炒饭|...

【Easy Fried Rice RECIPE】Salted Egg Fried Rice | Quick & Simple |❤️ 咸蛋炒饭|简单快速 ​by 玩食我Foodie At Playground

Throwback to my dinner: Instead of the usual egg fried rice, I cooked this Salted egg fried rice with the salted egg powder in my kitchen cabinet. It turns out pretty tasty! 


(二人份for 2 person)


- Rice for 2 person 二人份的隔夜饭

- 30g salted egg powder 咸蛋粉

- 1 handful mixed vegetables 一拳头的杂菜粒

-1 egg 1个鸡蛋

- Optional: Fish cake, fish balls, prawn, luncheon meat etc (可加)鱼饼、虾、午餐肉等等


1. Heat wok with oil 热锅加油

2. Cook omelette 煎蛋

3. Add mixed vegetables 加杂菜粒

4. Add leftover rice 加隔夜饭

5. Add salted egg powder 咸蛋粉

6. Optional: Fish cake, fish balls, prawn, luncheon meat etc (可加)鱼饼、虾、午餐肉等等

Seasoning 调味料:

1/2 tbsp soy sauce 酱青

1 tsp mushroom seasoning 素菇粉

some pepper 少许胡椒粉

salt to taste 少许盐调味

Ready to serve 完成!

周末还是有vlog分享的,记得留意。喜欢的话,记得给我留言。 Weekend Vlog is on the way. Stay tune For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: (Video with English Subtitle) 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得在此订阅并按铃铛就不会错过最新影片: To see latest video, please SUBSCRIBE below, and press Notification :

Saturday, September 12, 2020

【Weekend Vlog】6 Supermarket Bread Taste Test | Daiso Haul | Cook Tamagoy...

【Weekend Vlog】6 Supermarket Bread Taste Test | Daiso Haul | Cook Tamagoyaki | ❤️试吃6种超市面包|普通锅煮玉子烧 @玩食我Foodie At Playground

Tamagoyaki 普通锅煮玉子烧 Recipe by 玩食我Foodie At Playground

Ingredients 成份:

3 eggs 鸡蛋

1 tsp mushroom seasoning 素菇粉

1 tbsp mirin 味淋

1 tsp mayonnaise 美乃滋

1/2 tbsp evaporated milk 花奶

1 tsp sugar 砂糖

1/2 tsp salt 玫瑰盐


  1. Mix all ingredients 成份混合均匀
  2. Cook on low heat, Use cooking ring to form shape 低温烹煮,用框架定型
  3. Serve when ready 即可上桌

For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱:

0:53 - Supermarket Bread Taste Test 6:33 - Daiso Haul : Cook Tamagoyaki 喜欢这样的vlog分享吗?喜欢的话,记得给我留言。 (Video with English Subtitle) - Please turn on caption for English Subtitle 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得在此订阅并按铃铛就不会错过最新影片: To see latest video, please SUBSCRIBE below, and press Notification : * This is not a sponsored video. 这支影片不是业配

Saturday, September 5, 2020

【Weekend Vlog】Luncheon Meat French Toast | Daiso Haul | Cook Mee Goreng ...

【Weekend Vlog】Luncheon Meat French Toast | Daiso Haul | Mee Goreng | ❤️餐蛋西多士|滴咖啡|试用蔬菜菜瓜布|印度炒面  @玩食我Foodie At Playground 

Vegetarian Mee Goreng Recipe
1 pkt hokkien mee 
1 clove garlic (sliced)
1 potato (steamed)
1 tau gua (air fried)
1/4 cabbage
2 eggs 
1 lime and cucumber slices for garnish

1 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce
1/2 tbsp sweet sauce
2 tbsp ketchup
1/2 tbsp chilli sauce
1 tsp sugar

For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: (Video with English Subtitle)

喜欢这样的vlog分享吗?喜欢的话,记得给我留言。 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得订阅: To see more Easy and Healthier Recipes, please SUBSCRIBE, go to :

Thursday, September 3, 2020

【Easy Rice Cooker RECIPE+Daiso】Bento Mixed Rice| Healthy Salmon Gohan | ...

【Easy Rice Cooker RECIPE+Daiso】Healthy Salmon Gohan | Bento Mixed Rice | ❤️ 日式三文鱼炊饭|饭锅料理 |便当饭|营养丰富 by 玩食我Foodie At Playground

It’s a healthy meal pack of omega 3, carotene, Vit D, antioxidants etc 
这是一顿有肉有菜,有着丰富营养:omega 3、胡萝卜素、维生素D和抗氧化的炊饭

Ingredients 材料:
100g salmon 三文鱼
1 handful black fungus 黑木耳 
1 handful edamame 毛豆
1/2 carrot 红萝卜
3 dried mushroom 干香菇
2 cup Japanese rice 日本米

Marinate salmon with腌三文鱼: 
1 tbsp sake, mirin & soy sauce  白酒、味淋和酱青

Prep work:
Add hot water to washed black fungus  用热水泡发洗过的黑木耳
Add hot water to washed dried mushroom  用热水泡发洗过的冬菇
Add hot water to frozen edamame 用热水泡冷冻的毛豆
Carrot cut into strips 红萝卜切成条状
Black fungus cut into strips 泡发好的黑木耳切成条状(likewise for mushroom冬菇也一样)

  1. Add rice to rice cooker
  2. Add mushroom water in 冬菇水加进去
  3. Add all ingredients 加进全部材料
  4. Add 1 pack Kelp soup base 海带汤包(buy from Daiso 大创买的,里面有7包)
  5. Add salmon 加三文鱼,连汁一起下
  6. Add water to 2.5 mark 加水至2.5标记
  7. It’s done! 完成!
  8. Garnish with Coriander 香菜点缀
这次煮这个炊饭,我使用Daiso Kelp Soup Base来煮。怎么使用?看影片就知道! 喜欢这样的分享吗?喜欢的话,记得给我留言,我才知道你们的反应。 This video, I used Daiso Kelp Soup Base to cook this salmon mixed rice. Watch video to find out. For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: (Video with English Subtitle) 想看更多健康简单食谱, 记得订阅: To see more Easy and Healthier Recipes, please SUBSCRIBE, go to :