Saturday, April 17, 2021

Foolproof Healthy Ginger Milk Pudding|Why you Fail ? |❤️ 零失败姜汁撞奶 - 分享失败...

Foolproof Ginger Milk Pudding|Why Fail ? |❤️ 零失败姜汁撞奶 -  分享失败过程【Eng Sub】



Ginger milk pudding is my must have dessert each time I travel to HK. 

As we can't travel now, I have to search for a recipe that can satisfy my craving. 

Ingredients and method used is simple yet precise, and fail rate is high. 

After taking numerous bowls of hot ginger milk , I finally get the right texture. 

Click video to see my foolproof secret. 

Foolproof Ginger Milk Pudding  零失败姜汁撞奶 @随食慢活FoodiEat

(recipe adapted from here)

材料 Ingredients: 

40g 姜 Ginger  

(榨出20-22g 姜汁 

Extract 20-22g Ginger juice )

200g 全脂奶 Full Cream Milk 

20g 低脂奶粉 Skimmed Milk Powder 

10g 细砂糖 Sugar 

做法 Method:

1. Ginger pat dry after washed. 洗后的姜记得按干

2. Extract ginger juice using juicer 用榨果汁机榨出姜汁

3. Combine Milk, Milk powder and sugar in a pot. 锅里倒入牛奶、糖和奶粉。

4. Stir Cook on low heat, remove from heat once temperature reach 70 degrees 低温加热至70度

5. Pour milk mixture to ginger juice, do not stir. 把热牛奶一口气倒入装了姜汁的碗里,不可搅拌

6. Let it set for 10 minutes. 静置10分钟以定型

7. Serve hot or cold. 可当冷或热的甜品

小提醒。 Things to Note:

1. I used old ginger, not sure if this is one of the successful factor 我用老姜,不只是否是成功因素。

2. Old ginger gives a more pungent taste 老姜的辛辣味更浓。

2. Remember to pat dry your ginger before juicing. 确保姜身要干才榨汁

3. Must use full cream milk (protein help pudding to form) 记得用全脂奶 (蛋白质越高越容易定型)

3. Cook milk mixture on low heat, remove from heat once temperature reach 70 - 75 degrees 低温加热牛奶,温度不可少过70-75度。

4. Do not stir ginger juice before pouring hot milk 倒牛奶之前不可搅姜汁

5. Let it set for 8-10 minutes  before serve. 静置10分钟,让它定型

Video with English Subtitle) For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: 记得订阅: To SUBSCRIBE, go to : * This is not a sponsored video. 这支影片不是业配 我的日常生活 Follow me on : Facebook: Instagram: Want to see more recipes? Check out: 关于合作事项可电邮联系 | Business/DM for collab: Email: foodplayground@gmail.com你或许有兴趣 (Popular Playists): 【简单健康食谱 Healthy RECIPES】- 【简单蛋糕食谱 Easy Cake RECIPES】- 【甜品料理食谱 Dessert RECIPES】- 【饭锅料理食谱 Rice Cooker RECIPES】 - 【早餐料理食谱 Breakfast RECIPES】- 【开箱分享 Unboxing & Review 】- ❤️想看到更多关于新加坡美食、地点和旅游影片的话,记得订阅,留言、按赞、分享。订阅无需花你一份钱,但却会给我多一份动力去制作更多影片。你的举手之劳是我的一臂之力。希望你可以不吝啬地给我一点鼓励。谢谢❤️ If you like this video, appreciate if you can subscribe, like, share and comment to my channel. It doesn’t cost you a cent but it gives me the opportunity to show you more videos. Do press bell for latest notification once you subscribed. Thank you for watching! To subscribe:

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