Saturday, July 31, 2021

Cooking Vlog ~非油炸鸡肉咖喱角,从0做起 | Oven Baked Chicken Curry Puff with Egg fro...

Cooking Vlog ~非油炸鸡肉咖喱角,从0做起 Oven Baked Flaky & Crispy Chicken Curry Puff with Egg from Scratch @随食慢活FoodiEat 

我是咖哩角控,无咖哩不欢。但是,咖哩角大多是油炸的,不那么健康。偶然看到有个食谱(谢谢OH YL的食谱)是用烤的,做法也没有很困难,所以迫不及待要来试一试。这是我第一次做,从0开始做面皮和内陷,还算成功,虽然还有一些不完美,但却很有成就感。 I am a curry puff lover, but most curry puff are deep fried, not as healthy. Recently stumble upon a baked curry puff recipe (Thank you OH YL for the recipe) so decided to try out. This is my first time making curry puff from scratch, not perfect but feeling accomplished. * Baked not Deep Fried 烘烤而非油炸 * Less Sugar & Oil 少油少糖 * Flaky & Crispy Skin 外皮千层酥脆
(Recipe adapted from here)
Yield 13 pcs 可制成13 A : Filling 内馅: 2-3 Potatoes 马铃薯 (Wash & Peel 洗净削皮) 1/2 Onion 洋葱 1 Garlic clove 蒜头 1 Steamed Chicken Thigh 蒸鸡腿肉 (Optional) 2 Hard Boil Egg 熟蛋 B: Water Dough 水面皮: 1/2 tbsp(8g) Sugar 细砂糖 100g All Purpose Flour/Plain Flour 普通面粉 30g Cooking Oil 食用油 50g Water 清水 C: Oil Dough 酥油皮: 80g All Purpose Flour/Plain Flour 普通面粉 50g Butter 牛油 (room temperature 室温)

Seasoning 调味料

15g Chicken Curry Powder 鸡肉咖喱粉

1/2 tsp Salt 玫瑰盐

1-2 tsp Soy Sauce 酱青

1/4 tsp Mushroom Seasoning 冬菇粉

1/2 tsp Sugar 细砂糖

200ml Water 清水

A: Method 做法:

1. All ingredients Cut into cubes 全部材料切丁

2. Heat Pot with Oil 热锅倒油

3. Add garlic & onion 加蒜末和洋葱丁

4. Add Curry powder 加咖喱粉

5. Add Chicken cubes & potato cubes加鸡块和马铃薯丁

6. Add Seasoning  加调味料

7. Set Aside to cool 放凉备用

B: Method 做法:

1. Mix water and sugar 糖加水

2. Stir till sugar dissolve 搅至糖溶解

3. Add Cooking Oil 加食用油

4. Stir to emulsify 搅至乳化

5. Add flour in parts 分次加入面粉

6. Knead to form dough 搓成面团

C: Method 做法:

1. Add flour to butter in parts 分次加入面粉

2. Knead to form dough 搓成面团

Rest both dough for 30 minutes 


Assemble 组装:

1. 19g Water Dough水面皮 /13g Oil Dough 油酥皮

2. Wrap oil dough in water dough 油酥皮包入水面皮

3. Roll up twice 卷两回

4. Use hand or rolling pin to flatten 用手或擀面棍压平

5. use 9cm cutter to cut round shape 用的是9公分的圆形模具

6. Wrap Filling & Egg 包内馅和鸡蛋

7. Egg Wash - 1 Egg 刷蛋液

8. Bake in 190 degree preheated oven for 20-25 minutes 


Video with English Subtitle) 记得开启字幕,Turn on CC For subtitles For full method, see video: 完整做法,请看影片: For written recipe: 文字食谱: 记得订阅: To SUBSCRIBE, go to : 我的日常生活 Follow me on : Facebook: Instagram: Want to see more recipes? Check out: 关于合作事项可电邮联系 | Business/DM for collab: Email: 你或许有兴趣 (Popular Playists): 【简单健康食谱 Healthy RECIPES】- 【简单蛋糕食谱 Easy Cake RECIPES】- 【甜品料理食谱 Dessert RECIPES】- 【饭锅料理食谱 Rice Cooker RECIPES】 - 【早餐料理食谱 Breakfast RECIPES】- 【开箱分享 Unboxing & Review 】- ❤️想看到更多关于新加坡美食、地点和旅游影片的话,记得订阅,留言、按赞、分享。订阅无需花你一份钱,但却会给我多一份动力去制作更多影片。你的举手之劳是我的一臂之力。希望你可以不吝啬地给我一点鼓励。谢谢❤️ If you like this video, appreciate if you can subscribe, like, share and comment to my channel. It doesn’t cost you a cent but it gives me the opportunity to show you more videos. Do press bell for latest notification once you subscribed. Thank you for watching! To subscribe:

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